
Jetliner Bingo

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Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody. For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.

This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.

Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

Anthology album at Amazon.com
Black panties with a ninja's face
Black panties with an angel's face
The Story: I always liked this song and thought they said 'black panties with a ninja's face', something I found quite funny and weird, because ninja's faces usually are black. - Submitted by: Captain Ace
Daria, I can't go down
I heat up, I can't cool down
The Story: Did Steve Miller ever ask for help? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
With the touch of a Belkin glove.
With the touch of a velvet glove
The Story: A friend of mine had a garage band (1980s) and he never read the lyrics. I was listening closely one day to him sing 'Belkin glove'. He thought Belkin was a brand name of gloves in the song. - Submitted by: Mick Regozzi
Big OJ in a Line-Up...
Big Ol Jet Airliner...
The Story: Song came on the radio, Heard it many times but never gave it much notice since I couldnt understand the main part. This time when he got to the chorus it finally hit me! Sang w/ pride for the duration.. Learned the rest & liked the song. Some time down the road, it came on the radio.. i was singing when my friend spit out the sip of big gulp he just took. 'Did u jus say somethin about OJ (Simpson)? *We live in So Cal* 'Tell me what u said. He's a classic rock fiend and I knew I'd effed Steve Miller who weve seen and love. ' whatd you say?!' Um, 'Big OJ in a line-up...' 'WTF?' He's busting up... 'hey dork OJ hadn't done that yet when this song came out.' - Submitted by: liz rivera
Bug old Jed and Lineo
Big ol jet airliner...
The Story: This was another friend with her mp3. Player earbuds in singing to the top of her lungs - Submitted by: Demeta
Big O. jarred out of alignment.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: It became a standing joke between me and a group of very tolerant friends at high school in Australia. - Submitted by: Brock P
Big hotel in Atlanta
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: This song was the song to call in on for a radio contest in Jacksonville, Florida 1997. Every time the DJ asked the caller the name of the song, they got it wrong. The dj played the calls of at least ten people and every one of them misheard the lyrics. 'Big hotel in Atlanta' was my favorite one. - Submitted by: eric
Big ol' Jedd had a light on
Big 'ol jet airliner
The Story: I was 7......! LOL - Submitted by: Kleo
Pig on jello ah yeah
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I'm the worst when it comes to understanding rock lyrics so this is typical for me. But this song came on the radio the other day and made me remember what I thought the original line was. - Submitted by: Zymurgy
We're gonna jam on the ride home, don't carry me too far away
We're gonna jam on the ride home, 'cause it here that I got to stay.
Big Ole Jet Airliner, don't carry me too far away
Big Ole Jet Airliner, 'cause it's here that I got to stay.
The Story: My girlfriend sings the wrong lyrics all the time, this is just one case of it. - Submitted by: greenie420
Eat the babies
Who don't have enough to eat
Kill the children
For the shoes on their feet
Feed the babies
Who don't have enough to eat
Shoe the children
With no shoes on their feet
The Story: I really thought 'Kill the children, for shoes on their feet' was the correct lyric. I laughed so hard when I saw the mistake!! - Submitted by: Codi Preston D.
Shoot the children with no shoes on their feet.
Shoe the children with no shoes on their feet.
The Story: When I first heard this song, I thought that they were talking about shooting all the children who don't have any shoes on their feet. My parents, under stifled laughter, kept trying to tell me that they were not in fact saying this. I still didn't believe them. - Submitted by: eric
I wanna try like a beagle
I wanna fly like an eagle
The Story: Steve Miller was really influenced by Charles M. Schulz? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Feed me baby, we all have enough to eat.
Shoo the children, with those shoes on their feet.
How's the people? Living in the streets?
Oh, oh there's a solution
Feed the babies, who don't have enough to eat.
Shoe the children, with no shoes on their feet.
House the people, living in the street.
Oh, oh there's a solution.
The Story: When I first heard this song, I misinterpreted it being a song about worldwide issues and finding peace, but instead being about a couple (young) on a beach (taken from the 'to the sea' lyric) and wanting to be free of their children (shoo the children) whilst they relax on the beach and have a picnic together - that's why I thought it was 'feed me baby'. A funny, but weird story, nevertheless it is a truly amazing song and my favourite song by Steve Miller Band. - Submitted by: Brandon Carroll
Fly like an noodle
Fly like an eagle
The Story: I was only 11 at the time, but when I asked an older sister why he was singing about a flying noodle, there was non-stop laughter. I am still teased about the misunderstanding to this day. - Submitted by: Sam Anderson
Be gone, Chet Ahlinah.
Don't carry me over the bay.
Big old jet airliner.
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: This was my college roommate's mistake. She was singing along with the radio as we were tanning outside our dorm. I said, 'Whaa...?' She repeated the above. I asked, 'Who's Chet Ahlinah?' She replied, 'The guy who the singer wants to leave town.' OK!? - Submitted by: annie wysock
Big 'ole Jed and Eliza
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: A bunch of friends and I saw SMB at Michigan State University. The sound was a litle bad that night, and this is what it sound like Steve was singing. It's the way we all sing it now, just for fun. - Submitted by: Cannondale
Big Hotel Carolina
Big ol' Jet Airliner
The Story: I first heard it over the radio at our local swimming pool. I didn't know what the song title was until much later. - Submitted by: Anonymous
Big Ol' Jed and Lionel
Big Ol' jet airliner
The Story: We were playing music trivia (Here's the song title, name the band) at work and this guy throws out Big Ol' Jed and Lionel. Of course we're all stumped, so he sings the chorus as a hint. Totally slayed us. We're dying laughing. He'll likely never live that one down. And now Travis, your misheard lyric is digitally immortalized!!! - Submitted by: Rob
Big Ol' Jed on the Lino
Big Ol' Jet Airliner
The Story: I always picture Jed Clampett passed out on the linoleum flooring of his posh Beverly Hills mansion. - Submitted by: Paul Myers
Big Old Jim had a light-out
We gonna jam at a light-out
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I assumed a 'light-out' was a party where people kept the lights turned off. - Submitted by: J C
Big armchair Carolina
Big old jet airliner
The Story: Friend and I discussing in High School (12 yrs ago) a comedian I had seen joking about a 'Big old jet had a light on'. He told me that when he was younger, his mom was listening to a Steve Miller Band tape. He was signing along about this 'big armchair Carolina' and his mom (after laughing at her ignorant 12 year old) told him the real lyrics. - Submitted by: Dwayne Hicks
Big cool cat in the lineup
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: i thought it was a story about a convict potentially going to prison. - Submitted by: paige hanson
Big hotel with no lino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: A unit thought it was that - Submitted by: Troy
Big hotel, El Nido
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I heard the song when the album came out. As I became more familiar with it, I started singing along with what I heard. Later on looking at the album listings, I could not remember ever hearing a song that had anything to do with a jet airliner. So I played the track, and was shocked that the band was singing 'Big ol jet airliner' as what I was hearing sounded nothing close to it. So check me into the funny farm, which probably goes by the name Hotel El Nido. - Submitted by: Mike Shawver
Big ol chair in a liner
Big ol' jet airliner.
The Story: I found a tapereel in a car, it was worn and bad recorded, so I misheard the lyrics - Submitted by: Ken
Big ol' Chad Adalina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I was singing the wrong lyrics (Big Ole Chad Adalina) while riding in the car with my younger sister in the 1970's. Sibling rivalry being what it is, my sister took great pleasure in telling me I was singing it all wrong. I proceeded to tell her that since she doesn't like to sing, how would she even know what the right lyrics were? - Submitted by: Karen M
Big ol' Chad had a light on.
Big ol' jet airliner.
The Story: All of my buddies and I used to think this is what the song said. We never stopped to wonder, 'Who is Chad, and why does he have his lights on?' - Submitted by: Bruce Hannam
Big ol' Chad left the light on
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I first heard this song one Saturday morning on American Bandstand. I thought it was the craziest song every written. Who was Big Ol' Chad and why did he leave the light on? What did it have to do with being carried too far away? - Submitted by: Ken McCamish
Big ol' Jan had her light on.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: When I was a teenager, the group that I hung around with (including my ex-wife) used to all sing the lyric this way. I always believed our way to be correct, until I got a divorce and my new girl friend heard me sing the song and told me the correct words. I couldn't believe it but she was correct. The guys at work and I now search all the old songs to see how we might have been butchering them. - Submitted by: Mike Douglas
Big ol' Jed in a line-up
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I picture some humongous dude standing in a police line-up looking totally guilty. - Submitted by: Alex M
Big ol' Jederalina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: My entire life I've confidently sung along to this song thinking it was about a woman named 'Jederalina,' and no one has ever corrected me, because I pronounced the name the same way he says 'jet airliner.' I finally saw the song title on Pandora, and now I'm wondering if I really know the words to any songs at all. - Submitted by: Franklin
Big ol' chair and light on
Don't make me poo in the bay.
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't take me too far away.
Big ol' jet airliner
Comin' for to take me to pay.
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: My roommate in college told me that the first set of lyrics was what the song said. I corrected him by explaining that the song said, 'Big ol' jet airliner, comin' for to take me to pay'. By that time, he had sort of thought that the 'Don't make me poo in the bay' was wrong, but he really believed in the first half ('Big old chair and light on'). - Submitted by: Tony
Big ol' cow and a rhino, don't carry me too far away...
Oh, oh big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away...
The Story: No funny story attached...Just how my bf and I once thought we heard the lyrics wrong, and we stuck with it anyway :-D - Submitted by: Tracy
Big ol' gal with a light on
Ol' Gary was too far away.
Big ol' gal with a light on
Don't carry me too far today.
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: Co-worker with my brother's name was driving the work truck. He screams at the loudest voice he has, ' Big ol' gal...!' I made him stop on I 5 and repeat what he said---twice. - Submitted by: charles tanner II
Big ol' hair Carolina
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I was pretty sure these were the wrong lyrics, but I sang them out loud anyway when the song came on the radio. My husband laughed at me for a good five minutes and then decided he liked the lyrics better that way. Now we both sing it like that whenever it comes on. - Submitted by: Celina
Big ol' jealous rhino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Amazing this isn't already on your list. I'd thought this was a song about a jealous rhino for 40 years. - Submitted by: Samantha
Big ol' jet outta 'lina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I thought maybe 'lina ' was slang for one of the Carolinas. He was talking about leaving the South. - Submitted by: Mary
Big ol' pantyliner
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: My ex, Scotty actually came up with this. I owe it to him, wherever he is. - Submitted by: ConnieK
Big old Carolina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I thought the lyric was 'Big old Carolina, don't carry me away' and I had a funny mental image of a Paul Bunyan size woman named Carolina tossing some man over her shoulder and carrying him away. - Submitted by: KMR
Big old Chad had eyeliner.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I've always thought since 1976 that Steve Miller was singing about a guy named Chad (and he was old and big) that was a cross dresser, so therefore the eyeliner. I know I've heard and seen the lyrics printed correctly since; but sometimes, to make fun of myself, I sing along with the song this way. - Submitted by: Peter
Big old Jed and Elijah
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I was a kid. I pictured two giant dudes in rocking chairs trying to take me away. - Submitted by: Bob
Big old Jed had a light on.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: My country bumpkin ex-boyfriend was convinced that these lyrics were seriously right; and that the song was about a good ole' boy named 'Jed.' Why Jed would leave his light on... I don't know. - Submitted by: Lisa L3 Lislangsta
Big old Jim and his rhino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: belted out with a plastic toy guitar by my 5-year-old son standing on the dining room table - Submitted by: Dave lane
Big old armchair in Idaho
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: A friend of mine's little brother was singing it to himself. We made him repeat it 10 times, then told everyone we knew. What meanies we were! - Submitted by: Bronwen
Big old genital rhino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I wasn't the one who heard this, it was from an acquaintance of mine in college. After she told me, I never heard the song the same way again. - Submitted by: Nicole
Big old jet elevator
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I was two or three and I thought they were singing about an elevator. - Submitted by: Nett
Big old jet outta Lyneham
Big old jet airliner
The Story: The song always made sense as I assumed that Lyneham was a town somewhere. I was living in Canberra at the time, and Lyneham is a suburb in Canberra so it was natural for me to assume that it was also a town in America. However, when I tried to search for the lyrics on the Internet, the Google search 'big old jet outta Lyneham' returned nothing about the song. I had to wait until I heard it on the radio and got more of the lyrics that I was able to find it on the Internet. I still hear it as 'Big old Jet outta Lyneham' although I do now hear that there isn't actually an 'm' there. - Submitted by: Flanders
Big ole Jed and Elijah
Big ole jet airliner
The Story: I sang the song this way for years until my husband made me SAY the words and he had to pull the truck over. I seriously thought the lyrics said BIG OLE JED AND ELIJAH. He looked at me and asked me who in the world I thought Big old Jed and Elijah were. - Submitted by: LJ D-ton
Big ol’ cat and a lighter
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I thought it was a song about a trucker and his only 2 companions were a big cat and a lighter. - Submitted by: Lisa Lewis
Big' old train is a 'Lionel'.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: My brother mike use to sing this line when this song was played on the radio 30 years ago. I still remember him singing this line. - Submitted by: Bob Benjamin
Bingo Jed had a lighter
don't carry it too far away
Big ol' jet airliner
don't carry me too far away
The Story: I thought this was what the song was saying until I was 14, when I went to a Steve Miller show with some friends. I was singing my heart out, very loudly, until I noticed the people around me were giving me strange looks. The girl next to me leaned over and told me what the lyrics actually were. I felt like a jackass. - Submitted by: Kerry Thompson
Ding-a-lo vagina, don't carry me too far away Oh, ding-a-lo vagina, cause it's here that I have to stay
Big old jet airliner, don't carry me too far away Oh, big old jet airliner, 'cause it's here that I have to stay
The Story: When I was about 10, my good friend Johnny told me about this incredible song he heard on the radio. It was all about 'vagina'. I was sure he was making it up because he was so goofy, but he swore it was true. But when it came on the radio, sure enough, we heard 'ding-a-lo vagina' just as clear as day. It was years before I realized how mistaken we were, and whenever I hear it, my mind still says 'ding-a-lo vagina' even though I know it's wrong! - Submitted by: Robyn
He don't leave that light on.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I knew a guy who used to sing this tune every time it came on the radio. I never told him the correct lyrics. It was too funny to want to correct him. How do you even request it? I mean, that's the title. - Submitted by: brenda
Oh, beef on down Carolina
Don't carry me too far away.
Oh, big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: I was singing what I thought were the correct lyrics to this song out loud and got pretty embarassed when some of my teenage co-workers heard me and told the rest of our group what I sang! - Submitted by: RILEY
Pick old Jed outta line-up.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Thought it had to do with one of the band members constantly being in trouble with the law. Corrected by a high school teacher. - Submitted by: Jimbo
Pig on a jet to Carolina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I was at a bar with a live band. A band member's girlfirend got it all wrong!! - Submitted by: J Briggs
Rico, Jed and Lina
Don't carry me too far away.
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: My ex-boyfriend and I were driving and this song came on and he proceeded to sing the afore mentioned lyrics. He turned to me and asked, 'So, who do you think these Rico, Jed and Lina people are anyway?' I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. To this day, I crack up when I hear this song. - Submitted by: Stacy Adams
There go Jed and Lionel.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I sang along with the radio this way for twenty years and never knew the name of the song. Then a couple of days before seeing him in concert in 2005, I was listening to the album and paying attention to the names of the songs. About halfway through the song, I realized what he was actually saying. I thought it was about a couple of rednecks named Jed and Lionel. - Submitted by: Tom
They go down to the lighthouse
Big old jet airliner
The Story: My husband thinks I can't hear any lyric right when I sing this. - Submitted by: Diane L.
We don't care 'bout the rhinestone.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: This song came out two years after the Glen Campbell hit 'Rhinestone Cowboy', which made me think I heard 'rhinestone'. - Submitted by: Don
We don't care if you're a wino.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: When I was a kid, I always sang with my aunt while driving in the car, whether I knew the lyrics or not. This one cracked her up. I was embarassed at the time and stopped singing for a while, but I was singing along with her again soon after that. - Submitted by: Corey M. Baker
We don't care, how would I know?
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I was disappointed when I learned the real lyrics. I liked mine better. - Submitted by: Luna J.
We don't chat at a line-up
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: never thought about it, just thought maybe they were arrested. - Submitted by: l.r.
We don't chat in the line-up
Big ol' Jet Airliner.
The Story: Thought that was the line when I was a kid - Submitted by: iwas there
We go down at Elida.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Elida is a small town about 25 miles from where I live. I don't know how I got that mixed up in the song. - Submitted by: Allison
We go, Carolina.
Big hotel with the light on.
Big 'ol jet air liner.
The Story: I always heard 'We go, Carolina, don't carry me too far away'. I just thought it was really subjective, and it depended on how far you were from Carolina. My fiance heard, 'Big hotel with the light on, don't carry me too far away'. He thought,'How high was this guy? Hotels that carry you away?' Needless to say, we had a really good laugh about this when it came on the car radio. - Submitted by: Jenni Fisher
We gon' jet outta Lido
Big old jet airliner
The Story: Even a music critic for the San Francisco Chronicle printed these as the correct lyrics. - Submitted by: Renee M. Thorpe
We gon' jet outta line now
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: While building swimming pools at West Hernando Pools and Spas in Spring Hill, FL back in 2002, I always would hear this song while working since the old guys I worked with always had the classic rock station on and I would always think they were saying, 'we gon' jet outta line now'... Whatever the hell that means! Lol - Submitted by: Nicholas Conigliero
We got Chad and lineup.
Big old jet airliner!
The Story: I was in the car with my Mom, Aunt, and Sister on the way to a Dodgers game with my Dad, and the song came on the radio. It was the first time I had ever heard it. Maybe because I played baseball, and I was going to a baseball game, that I heard 'liner' as 'lineup.' I also had a friend named Chad, so maybe that influenced my attempt to discern the word 'jet.' Anyways, after I started singing along with my version of the lyrics (which I honestly did not believe were the real lyrics, because nobody would write those lyrics), my Mom corrected me, told me what the real lyrics were, and I realized how far off I was. It was both funny and slightly embarrassing. - Submitted by: Sherman
We're going to chat at a line up.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Thought it was a song about past experience in the military. Upon hearing the beginning electronic intro to the song, I used to think that it was some sort of post-'60s military radar signal tracker. At least that was the first thing that popped into my mind. Still cool sound though. - Submitted by: H
We're gonna chow down at Lina's
Big old jet airliner
The Story: My friends were laughing their heads off when they heard me say this. - Submitted by: John Linus
big yellow highlighter
Big old jet airliner
The Story: for my friend Kim... - Submitted by: jc
Jungle love
The Story: My best friend and I were sitting in the car. This song comes on the radio and we start singing it (as we do with every song). All of a sudden, I turn to her and go, 'What are you saying?'. She says, 'Chug-a-lug!', as if I'm a retard for even asking. I finally gained my bearings to point out her mistake. - Submitted by: nina
I met you in Dublin, Ireland
I met you on somebody's island
The Story: I could have sworn he went to Ireland and meeting someone Irish! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Jump around!
Sanity man!
It’s driving me crazy!!
Jungle love
It’s driving me mad
It’s making me crazy
The Story: Heard it on TV show - Submitted by: A.N
Trouble love
Strawberry man
It's making me crazy
Jungle Love
It's driving me mad
It's making me crazy
The Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM3cE8g5iYg - Submitted by: Cody Finke
I want to buy me a Mercury Cruise: open down this road!
I want to buy me a Mercury and cruise up and down this road.
The Story: I bought the 'Fly Like An Eagle' album way back in 1977 and used to listen to this song all the time. I didn't know what a Mercury was (it's a car model of course), nor what cruising meant. This was long before Alan Jackson revamped it into a hit, and Miller (I learned much later) was singing it adopting a bluesman accent - he even says 'knowed' instead of 'knew' at a certain point, very much in the style of a Black blues singer. Since the prevalent theme of that album was 'freedom', I figured, in a very hazy way, that Miller was singing about someone blocking a road during a demonstration or whatever - or that the road he was referring to was symbolical. I mean, I don't even think the verb 'to open down' exists... But I liked the idea that the song was about something extremely specific which I could not grasp. And it was just about buying a car! - Submitted by: Leonardo
All the way in a coma
All the way to Tacoma
The Story: Steve Miller isn't dead, really. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Airplane bingo cards
Billy Joe shot a man while robbing his gasso.
Billy Joe shot a man while robbing his castle.
The Story: My wife has been driving me nuts for years with this one. As in Billy Joe was robbing a gas station. Argh! - Submitted by: Kevin Baxter
Oh-ohhhh, kick your buddy and run.
Oh-ohhh, take the money and run.
The Story: This song came on in the car one day, and my daughters were commenting how rude the lyric is. I went, 'What?' My oldest daughter said, 'He's telling us to kick our friends and run away!', which confused me even more. Then my other daughter goes, 'Kick your buddy and run?' I was laughing so hard, I had to pull over to the edge of the road. - Submitted by: Vanessa
They sit around the house get an eye wash or two
Than sit around the house, get high, and watch the tube.
The Story: My husband thought those were the lyrics for years. I heard him singing that and nearly died laughing. He only found out the correct lyrics about 15 years ago. - Submitted by: Jeannine Jones
Whoo, the Devonian Run!
Whoo, take the money and run.
The Story: Turns out there is something called the 'Devonian Runoff,' it's some place in Pennsylvania that ground water runs into. Not sure why Steve Miller would make a song about it though. - Submitted by: Brad
Cause I speak of the puppeteers of love
Cause I speak of the pompetus of love
The Story: You do know these masks depicting the theater world, don't you? One with a smiling face, one with a sad face. Well and that's what I thought: that it denotes the ups and downs in a relationship...:) - Submitted by: Andreas E.
I'm a midnight Tok'Ra
I'm a midnight toker
The Story: It honestly sounded like Tok'Ra (from Stargate SG-1) to me. - Submitted by: Eric
I'm a midnight talker

Jet Plane Big Jake

I'm a midnight toker
The Story: What the heck is a 'toker'? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
I'm a midnight toga.
I'm a midnight toker.
The Story: I first heard this song when I was a kid, so 'toke' was an unknown verb to me at the time. However, toga to me was just a style of wearing a towel after getting out of the bath. - Submitted by: Tom
I'm a midnight town hooker.
I'm a midnight toker
The Story: I've always thought these were the real lyrics till today! Then again, why would Steve talking about prostitution? - Submitted by: Matthew
Steve Miller Band's, 'Your Cash Ain't Nothin' But Trash'
Your cats eat nothin' but trash
Your cash ain't nothin' but trash
The Story: I thought that this was a rather odd lyric until I looked at the iTunes player and saw the title. I laughed out loud! My kitty doesn't eat trash! - Submitted by: Diddims

There are more Steve Miller Band misheard lyrics available.


New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.

Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody. For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.

This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.

Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

Anthology album at Amazon.com
Black panties with a ninja's face
Black panties with an angel's face
The Story: I always liked this song and thought they said 'black panties with a ninja's face', something I found quite funny and weird, because ninja's faces usually are black. - Submitted by: Captain Ace
Daria, I can't go down
I heat up, I can't cool down
The Story: Did Steve Miller ever ask for help? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
With the touch of a Belkin glove.
With the touch of a velvet glove
The Story: A friend of mine had a garage band (1980s) and he never read the lyrics. I was listening closely one day to him sing 'Belkin glove'. He thought Belkin was a brand name of gloves in the song. - Submitted by: Mick Regozzi
Big OJ in a Line-Up...
Big Ol Jet Airliner...
The Story: Song came on the radio, Heard it many times but never gave it much notice since I couldnt understand the main part. This time when he got to the chorus it finally hit me! Sang w/ pride for the duration.. Learned the rest & liked the song. Some time down the road, it came on the radio.. i was singing when my friend spit out the sip of big gulp he just took. 'Did u jus say somethin about OJ (Simpson)? *We live in So Cal* 'Tell me what u said. He's a classic rock fiend and I knew I'd effed Steve Miller who weve seen and love. ' whatd you say?!' Um, 'Big OJ in a line-up...' 'WTF?' He's busting up... 'hey dork OJ hadn't done that yet when this song came out.' - Submitted by: liz rivera
Bug old Jed and Lineo
Big ol jet airliner...
The Story: This was another friend with her mp3. Player earbuds in singing to the top of her lungs - Submitted by: Demeta
Big O. jarred out of alignment.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: It became a standing joke between me and a group of very tolerant friends at high school in Australia. - Submitted by: Brock P
Big hotel in Atlanta
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: This song was the song to call in on for a radio contest in Jacksonville, Florida 1997. Every time the DJ asked the caller the name of the song, they got it wrong. The dj played the calls of at least ten people and every one of them misheard the lyrics. 'Big hotel in Atlanta' was my favorite one. - Submitted by: eric
Big ol' Jedd had a light on
Big 'ol jet airliner
The Story: I was 7......! LOL - Submitted by: Kleo
Pig on jello ah yeah
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I'm the worst when it comes to understanding rock lyrics so this is typical for me. But this song came on the radio the other day and made me remember what I thought the original line was. - Submitted by: Zymurgy
We're gonna jam on the ride home, don't carry me too far away
We're gonna jam on the ride home, 'cause it here that I got to stay.
Big Ole Jet Airliner, don't carry me too far away
Big Ole Jet Airliner, 'cause it's here that I got to stay.
The Story: My girlfriend sings the wrong lyrics all the time, this is just one case of it. - Submitted by: greenie420
Eat the babies
Who don't have enough to eat
Kill the children
For the shoes on their feet
Feed the babies
Who don't have enough to eat
Shoe the children
With no shoes on their feet
The Story: I really thought 'Kill the children, for shoes on their feet' was the correct lyric. I laughed so hard when I saw the mistake!! - Submitted by: Codi Preston D.
Shoot the children with no shoes on their feet.
Shoe the children with no shoes on their feet.
The Story: When I first heard this song, I thought that they were talking about shooting all the children who don't have any shoes on their feet. My parents, under stifled laughter, kept trying to tell me that they were not in fact saying this. I still didn't believe them. - Submitted by: eric
I wanna try like a beagle
I wanna fly like an eagle
The Story: Steve Miller was really influenced by Charles M. Schulz? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Feed me baby, we all have enough to eat.
Shoo the children, with those shoes on their feet.
How's the people? Living in the streets?
Oh, oh there's a solution
Feed the babies, who don't have enough to eat.
Shoe the children, with no shoes on their feet.
House the people, living in the street.
Oh, oh there's a solution.
The Story: When I first heard this song, I misinterpreted it being a song about worldwide issues and finding peace, but instead being about a couple (young) on a beach (taken from the 'to the sea' lyric) and wanting to be free of their children (shoo the children) whilst they relax on the beach and have a picnic together - that's why I thought it was 'feed me baby'. A funny, but weird story, nevertheless it is a truly amazing song and my favourite song by Steve Miller Band. - Submitted by: Brandon Carroll
Fly like an noodle
Fly like an eagle
The Story: I was only 11 at the time, but when I asked an older sister why he was singing about a flying noodle, there was non-stop laughter. I am still teased about the misunderstanding to this day. - Submitted by: Sam Anderson
Be gone, Chet Ahlinah.
Don't carry me over the bay.
Big old jet airliner.
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: This was my college roommate's mistake. She was singing along with the radio as we were tanning outside our dorm. I said, 'Whaa...?' She repeated the above. I asked, 'Who's Chet Ahlinah?' She replied, 'The guy who the singer wants to leave town.' OK!? - Submitted by: annie wysock
Big 'ole Jed and Eliza
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: A bunch of friends and I saw SMB at Michigan State University. The sound was a litle bad that night, and this is what it sound like Steve was singing. It's the way we all sing it now, just for fun. - Submitted by: Cannondale
Big Hotel Carolina
Big ol' Jet Airliner
The Story: I first heard it over the radio at our local swimming pool. I didn't know what the song title was until much later. - Submitted by: Anonymous
Big Ol' Jed and Lionel
Big Ol' jet airliner
The Story: We were playing music trivia (Here's the song title, name the band) at work and this guy throws out Big Ol' Jed and Lionel. Of course we're all stumped, so he sings the chorus as a hint. Totally slayed us. We're dying laughing. He'll likely never live that one down. And now Travis, your misheard lyric is digitally immortalized!!! - Submitted by: Rob
Big Ol' Jed on the Lino
Big Ol' Jet Airliner
The Story: I always picture Jed Clampett passed out on the linoleum flooring of his posh Beverly Hills mansion. - Submitted by: Paul Myers
Big Old Jim had a light-out
We gonna jam at a light-out
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I assumed a 'light-out' was a party where people kept the lights turned off. - Submitted by: J C
Big armchair Carolina
Big old jet airliner
The Story: Friend and I discussing in High School (12 yrs ago) a comedian I had seen joking about a 'Big old jet had a light on'. He told me that when he was younger, his mom was listening to a Steve Miller Band tape. He was signing along about this 'big armchair Carolina' and his mom (after laughing at her ignorant 12 year old) told him the real lyrics. - Submitted by: Dwayne Hicks
Big cool cat in the lineup
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: i thought it was a story about a convict potentially going to prison. - Submitted by: paige hanson
Big hotel with no lino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: A unit thought it was that - Submitted by: Troy
Big hotel, El Nido
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I heard the song when the album came out. As I became more familiar with it, I started singing along with what I heard. Later on looking at the album listings, I could not remember ever hearing a song that had anything to do with a jet airliner. So I played the track, and was shocked that the band was singing 'Big ol jet airliner' as what I was hearing sounded nothing close to it. So check me into the funny farm, which probably goes by the name Hotel El Nido. - Submitted by: Mike Shawver
Big ol chair in a liner
Big ol' jet airliner.
The Story: I found a tapereel in a car, it was worn and bad recorded, so I misheard the lyrics - Submitted by: Ken
Big ol' Chad Adalina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I was singing the wrong lyrics (Big Ole Chad Adalina) while riding in the car with my younger sister in the 1970's. Sibling rivalry being what it is, my sister took great pleasure in telling me I was singing it all wrong. I proceeded to tell her that since she doesn't like to sing, how would she even know what the right lyrics were? - Submitted by: Karen M
Big ol' Chad had a light on.
Big ol' jet airliner.
The Story: All of my buddies and I used to think this is what the song said. We never stopped to wonder, 'Who is Chad, and why does he have his lights on?' - Submitted by: Bruce Hannam
Big ol' Chad left the light on
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I first heard this song one Saturday morning on American Bandstand. I thought it was the craziest song every written. Who was Big Ol' Chad and why did he leave the light on? What did it have to do with being carried too far away? - Submitted by: Ken McCamish
Big ol' Jan had her light on.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: When I was a teenager, the group that I hung around with (including my ex-wife) used to all sing the lyric this way. I always believed our way to be correct, until I got a divorce and my new girl friend heard me sing the song and told me the correct words. I couldn't believe it but she was correct. The guys at work and I now search all the old songs to see how we might have been butchering them. - Submitted by: Mike Douglas
Big ol' Jed in a line-up
Big old jet airliner

Plane Bingo Board

The Story: I picture some humongous dude standing in a police line-up looking totally guilty. - Submitted by: Alex M
Big ol' Jederalina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: My entire life I've confidently sung along to this song thinking it was about a woman named 'Jederalina,' and no one has ever corrected me, because I pronounced the name the same way he says 'jet airliner.' I finally saw the song title on Pandora, and now I'm wondering if I really know the words to any songs at all. - Submitted by: Franklin
Big ol' chair and light on
Don't make me poo in the bay.
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't take me too far away.
Big ol' jet airliner
Comin' for to take me to pay.
Plane bingo
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: My roommate in college told me that the first set of lyrics was what the song said. I corrected him by explaining that the song said, 'Big ol' jet airliner, comin' for to take me to pay'. By that time, he had sort of thought that the 'Don't make me poo in the bay' was wrong, but he really believed in the first half ('Big old chair and light on'). - Submitted by: Tony
Big ol' cow and a rhino, don't carry me too far away...
Oh, oh big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away...
The Story: No funny story attached...Just how my bf and I once thought we heard the lyrics wrong, and we stuck with it anyway :-D - Submitted by: Tracy
Big ol' gal with a light on
Ol' Gary was too far away.
Big ol' gal with a light on
Don't carry me too far today.
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: Co-worker with my brother's name was driving the work truck. He screams at the loudest voice he has, ' Big ol' gal...!' I made him stop on I 5 and repeat what he said---twice. - Submitted by: charles tanner II
Big ol' hair Carolina
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I was pretty sure these were the wrong lyrics, but I sang them out loud anyway when the song came on the radio. My husband laughed at me for a good five minutes and then decided he liked the lyrics better that way. Now we both sing it like that whenever it comes on. - Submitted by: Celina
Big ol' jealous rhino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Amazing this isn't already on your list. I'd thought this was a song about a jealous rhino for 40 years. - Submitted by: Samantha
Big ol' jet outta 'lina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I thought maybe 'lina ' was slang for one of the Carolinas. He was talking about leaving the South. - Submitted by: Mary
Big ol' pantyliner
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: My ex, Scotty actually came up with this. I owe it to him, wherever he is. - Submitted by: ConnieK
Big old Carolina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I thought the lyric was 'Big old Carolina, don't carry me away' and I had a funny mental image of a Paul Bunyan size woman named Carolina tossing some man over her shoulder and carrying him away. - Submitted by: KMR
Big old Chad had eyeliner.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I've always thought since 1976 that Steve Miller was singing about a guy named Chad (and he was old and big) that was a cross dresser, so therefore the eyeliner. I know I've heard and seen the lyrics printed correctly since; but sometimes, to make fun of myself, I sing along with the song this way. - Submitted by: Peter
Big old Jed and Elijah
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I was a kid. I pictured two giant dudes in rocking chairs trying to take me away. - Submitted by: Bob
Big old Jed had a light on.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: My country bumpkin ex-boyfriend was convinced that these lyrics were seriously right; and that the song was about a good ole' boy named 'Jed.' Why Jed would leave his light on... I don't know. - Submitted by: Lisa L3 Lislangsta
Big old Jim and his rhino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: belted out with a plastic toy guitar by my 5-year-old son standing on the dining room table - Submitted by: Dave lane
Big old armchair in Idaho
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: A friend of mine's little brother was singing it to himself. We made him repeat it 10 times, then told everyone we knew. What meanies we were! - Submitted by: Bronwen
Big old genital rhino
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I wasn't the one who heard this, it was from an acquaintance of mine in college. After she told me, I never heard the song the same way again. - Submitted by: Nicole
Big old jet elevator
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I was two or three and I thought they were singing about an elevator. - Submitted by: Nett
Big old jet outta Lyneham
Big old jet airliner
The Story: The song always made sense as I assumed that Lyneham was a town somewhere. I was living in Canberra at the time, and Lyneham is a suburb in Canberra so it was natural for me to assume that it was also a town in America. However, when I tried to search for the lyrics on the Internet, the Google search 'big old jet outta Lyneham' returned nothing about the song. I had to wait until I heard it on the radio and got more of the lyrics that I was able to find it on the Internet. I still hear it as 'Big old Jet outta Lyneham' although I do now hear that there isn't actually an 'm' there. - Submitted by: Flanders
Big ole Jed and Elijah
Big ole jet airliner
The Story: I sang the song this way for years until my husband made me SAY the words and he had to pull the truck over. I seriously thought the lyrics said BIG OLE JED AND ELIJAH. He looked at me and asked me who in the world I thought Big old Jed and Elijah were. - Submitted by: LJ D-ton
Big ol’ cat and a lighter
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I thought it was a song about a trucker and his only 2 companions were a big cat and a lighter. - Submitted by: Lisa Lewis
Big' old train is a 'Lionel'.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: My brother mike use to sing this line when this song was played on the radio 30 years ago. I still remember him singing this line. - Submitted by: Bob Benjamin
Bingo Jed had a lighter
don't carry it too far away
Big ol' jet airliner
don't carry me too far away
The Story: I thought this was what the song was saying until I was 14, when I went to a Steve Miller show with some friends. I was singing my heart out, very loudly, until I noticed the people around me were giving me strange looks. The girl next to me leaned over and told me what the lyrics actually were. I felt like a jackass. - Submitted by: Kerry Thompson
Ding-a-lo vagina, don't carry me too far away Oh, ding-a-lo vagina, cause it's here that I have to stay
Big old jet airliner, don't carry me too far away Oh, big old jet airliner, 'cause it's here that I have to stay
The Story: When I was about 10, my good friend Johnny told me about this incredible song he heard on the radio. It was all about 'vagina'. I was sure he was making it up because he was so goofy, but he swore it was true. But when it came on the radio, sure enough, we heard 'ding-a-lo vagina' just as clear as day. It was years before I realized how mistaken we were, and whenever I hear it, my mind still says 'ding-a-lo vagina' even though I know it's wrong! - Submitted by: Robyn
He don't leave that light on.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I knew a guy who used to sing this tune every time it came on the radio. I never told him the correct lyrics. It was too funny to want to correct him. How do you even request it? I mean, that's the title. - Submitted by: brenda
Oh, beef on down Carolina
Don't carry me too far away.
Oh, big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: I was singing what I thought were the correct lyrics to this song out loud and got pretty embarassed when some of my teenage co-workers heard me and told the rest of our group what I sang! - Submitted by: RILEY
Pick old Jed outta line-up.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Thought it had to do with one of the band members constantly being in trouble with the law. Corrected by a high school teacher. - Submitted by: Jimbo
Pig on a jet to Carolina
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I was at a bar with a live band. A band member's girlfirend got it all wrong!! - Submitted by: J Briggs
Rico, Jed and Lina
Don't carry me too far away.
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away.
The Story: My ex-boyfriend and I were driving and this song came on and he proceeded to sing the afore mentioned lyrics. He turned to me and asked, 'So, who do you think these Rico, Jed and Lina people are anyway?' I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. To this day, I crack up when I hear this song. - Submitted by: Stacy Adams
There go Jed and Lionel.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: I sang along with the radio this way for twenty years and never knew the name of the song. Then a couple of days before seeing him in concert in 2005, I was listening to the album and paying attention to the names of the songs. About halfway through the song, I realized what he was actually saying. I thought it was about a couple of rednecks named Jed and Lionel. - Submitted by: Tom
They go down to the lighthouse
Big old jet airliner
The Story: My husband thinks I can't hear any lyric right when I sing this. - Submitted by: Diane L.
We don't care 'bout the rhinestone.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: This song came out two years after the Glen Campbell hit 'Rhinestone Cowboy', which made me think I heard 'rhinestone'. - Submitted by: Don
We don't care if you're a wino.
Big old jet airliner
The Story: When I was a kid, I always sang with my aunt while driving in the car, whether I knew the lyrics or not. This one cracked her up. I was embarassed at the time and stopped singing for a while, but I was singing along with her again soon after that. - Submitted by: Corey M. Baker
We don't care, how would I know?
Big old jet airliner
The Story: I was disappointed when I learned the real lyrics. I liked mine better. - Submitted by: Luna J.
We don't chat at a line-up
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: never thought about it, just thought maybe they were arrested. - Submitted by: l.r.
We don't chat in the line-up
Big ol' Jet Airliner.
The Story: Thought that was the line when I was a kid - Submitted by: iwas there
We go down at Elida.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Elida is a small town about 25 miles from where I live. I don't know how I got that mixed up in the song. - Submitted by: Allison
We go, Carolina.
Big hotel with the light on.
Big 'ol jet air liner.
The Story: I always heard 'We go, Carolina, don't carry me too far away'. I just thought it was really subjective, and it depended on how far you were from Carolina. My fiance heard, 'Big hotel with the light on, don't carry me too far away'. He thought,'How high was this guy? Hotels that carry you away?' Needless to say, we had a really good laugh about this when it came on the car radio. - Submitted by: Jenni Fisher
We gon' jet outta Lido
Big old jet airliner
The Story: Even a music critic for the San Francisco Chronicle printed these as the correct lyrics. - Submitted by: Renee M. Thorpe
We gon' jet outta line now
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: While building swimming pools at West Hernando Pools and Spas in Spring Hill, FL back in 2002, I always would hear this song while working since the old guys I worked with always had the classic rock station on and I would always think they were saying, 'we gon' jet outta line now'... Whatever the hell that means! Lol - Submitted by: Nicholas Conigliero
We got Chad and lineup.
Big old jet airliner!
The Story: I was in the car with my Mom, Aunt, and Sister on the way to a Dodgers game with my Dad, and the song came on the radio. It was the first time I had ever heard it. Maybe because I played baseball, and I was going to a baseball game, that I heard 'liner' as 'lineup.' I also had a friend named Chad, so maybe that influenced my attempt to discern the word 'jet.' Anyways, after I started singing along with my version of the lyrics (which I honestly did not believe were the real lyrics, because nobody would write those lyrics), my Mom corrected me, told me what the real lyrics were, and I realized how far off I was. It was both funny and slightly embarrassing. - Submitted by: Sherman
We're going to chat at a line up.
Big ol' jet airliner
The Story: Thought it was a song about past experience in the military. Upon hearing the beginning electronic intro to the song, I used to think that it was some sort of post-'60s military radar signal tracker. At least that was the first thing that popped into my mind. Still cool sound though. - Submitted by: H
We're gonna chow down at Lina's
Big old jet airliner
The Story: My friends were laughing their heads off when they heard me say this. - Submitted by: John Linus
big yellow highlighter
Big old jet airliner
The Story: for my friend Kim... - Submitted by: jc
Jungle love
The Story: My best friend and I were sitting in the car. This song comes on the radio and we start singing it (as we do with every song). All of a sudden, I turn to her and go, 'What are you saying?'. She says, 'Chug-a-lug!', as if I'm a retard for even asking. I finally gained my bearings to point out her mistake. - Submitted by: nina
I met you in Dublin, Ireland
I met you on somebody's island
The Story: I could have sworn he went to Ireland and meeting someone Irish! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Jump around!
Sanity man!
It’s driving me crazy!!
Jungle love
It’s driving me mad
It’s making me crazy
The Story: Heard it on TV show - Submitted by: A.N
Trouble love
Strawberry man
It's making me crazy
Jungle Love
It's driving me mad
It's making me crazy
The Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM3cE8g5iYg - Submitted by: Cody Finke
I want to buy me a Mercury Cruise: open down this road!
I want to buy me a Mercury and cruise up and down this road.
The Story: I bought the 'Fly Like An Eagle' album way back in 1977 and used to listen to this song all the time. I didn't know what a Mercury was (it's a car model of course), nor what cruising meant. This was long before Alan Jackson revamped it into a hit, and Miller (I learned much later) was singing it adopting a bluesman accent - he even says 'knowed' instead of 'knew' at a certain point, very much in the style of a Black blues singer. Since the prevalent theme of that album was 'freedom', I figured, in a very hazy way, that Miller was singing about someone blocking a road during a demonstration or whatever - or that the road he was referring to was symbolical. I mean, I don't even think the verb 'to open down' exists... But I liked the idea that the song was about something extremely specific which I could not grasp. And it was just about buying a car! - Submitted by: Leonardo
All the way in a coma
All the way to Tacoma
The Story: Steve Miller isn't dead, really. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Billy Joe shot a man while robbing his gasso.
Billy Joe shot a man while robbing his castle.
The Story: My wife has been driving me nuts for years with this one. As in Billy Joe was robbing a gas station. Argh! - Submitted by: Kevin Baxter
Oh-ohhhh, kick your buddy and run.

Plane Bingo

Oh-ohhh, take the money and run.
The Story: This song came on in the car one day, and my daughters were commenting how rude the lyric is. I went, 'What?' My oldest daughter said, 'He's telling us to kick our friends and run away!', which confused me even more. Then my other daughter goes, 'Kick your buddy and run?' I was laughing so hard, I had to pull over to the edge of the road. - Submitted by: Vanessa
They sit around the house get an eye wash or two
Than sit around the house, get high, and watch the tube.
The Story: My husband thought those were the lyrics for years. I heard him singing that and nearly died laughing. He only found out the correct lyrics about 15 years ago. - Submitted by: Jeannine Jones
Whoo, the Devonian Run!
Whoo, take the money and run.
The Story: Turns out there is something called the 'Devonian Runoff,' it's some place in Pennsylvania that ground water runs into. Not sure why Steve Miller would make a song about it though. - Submitted by: Brad
Cause I speak of the puppeteers of love
Cause I speak of the pompetus of love
The Story: You do know these masks depicting the theater world, don't you? One with a smiling face, one with a sad face. Well and that's what I thought: that it denotes the ups and downs in a relationship...:) - Submitted by: Andreas E.
I'm a midnight Tok'Ra
I'm a midnight toker
The Story: It honestly sounded like Tok'Ra (from Stargate SG-1) to me. - Submitted by: Eric
I'm a midnight talker
I'm a midnight toker
The Story: What the heck is a 'toker'? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
I'm a midnight toga.
I'm a midnight toker.
The Story: I first heard this song when I was a kid, so 'toke' was an unknown verb to me at the time. However, toga to me was just a style of wearing a towel after getting out of the bath. - Submitted by: Tom
I'm a midnight town hooker.
I'm a midnight toker
The Story: I've always thought these were the real lyrics till today! Then again, why would Steve talking about prostitution? - Submitted by: Matthew
Steve Miller Band's, 'Your Cash Ain't Nothin' But Trash'
Your cats eat nothin' but trash
Your cash ain't nothin' but trash
The Story: I thought that this was a rather odd lyric until I looked at the iTunes player and saw the title. I laughed out loud! My kitty doesn't eat trash! - Submitted by: Diddims

There are more Steve Miller Band misheard lyrics available.


New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.